Before the Glee concert, we saw a Jays game: my first time at the Rogers Centre with the dome open: so cool!
At the Rogers Centre with the dome open
Chris and I at the Jays game
Daniel, me and Chris at the Jays game
Daniel and I at the Air Canada Centre, excited for the Glee concert to begin. I am slightly less ashamed to tell you that I borrowed that shirt from a friend ;)
The Glee concert begins: awesome stage and a (very loud... so many teenage girls, grr) sold-out crowd
A neat colour-changing stage that went out into the floor audience. Mercedes singing at the foreground
I went in with very high expectations and was blown away that they sounded even better live
"Brittany S Pierce" performs as Britney Spears
Kurt sings "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"
Artie, Fin and Brittany during Gaga's "Born This Way"
Glee Cast singing "Born this Way"
Glee Cast singing "Born this Way"
Rachel singing Katy Perry's "Firework"
Blaine and the Warblers sing "Teenage Dream"
Finn and the Glee cast
Kurt and Rachel sing a duet of "Happy Days" on the satelite stage
Santana and Mercedes
At the Glee conert
Glee cast sing "Loser Like Me"
Glee cast sing "Loser Like Me"
Glee cast sing "Loser Like Me" and throw "slushies" at the audience - confetti fills the ACC
The Glee Live concert sold out four shows at the ACC
The first "Encore" performance - Kurt does the Single Ladies dance
The guys from the Glee cast did an acappela version of Rebecca Black's "Friday"
Artie got out of his wheelchair and did the Safety Dance
Puck and Mercedes during "Somebody to Love"
Glee cast sing "Somebody to Love"
Glee cast sing "Somebody to Love"
Glee cast sing "Somebody to Love" - confetti fills the ACC: the huge crowd was on their feet the whole time
Glee cast sing "Somebody to Love"
Glee cast at the end of the concert... absolutely incredible